Many lenders have changed their debt-to-income guidelines, but not Platinum Home Mortgage!

Has your lender recently changed their DTI guidelines to cap the debt-to-income limit and thereby hinder your client's ability to qualify? Here at Platinum Home Mortgage, as long as the loan meets temporary QM standards, you will not have to spend a second worrying about a DTI cap. Looking for more myth-busting information regarding the recent changes in the mortgage industry? Contact me today!

Frank E. Haislip
NMLS ID #702555
Mortgage Consultant

Also, be sure to print off our flyer below and share the good news throughout your office.


Platinum Home Mortgage helps you qualify buyers with our NO TAX RETURN program

Having a difficult time qualifying your borrowers due to the affect line items on tax returns have on your ratios? We can help!

Our NO TAX RETURN program will get you the results you're looking for. Look below to learn how our system allows for less red tape, less paperwork, absolutely no tax returns, and more approvals all at the same time. It's just another way Platinum Home Mortgage says YES!